Welcome to the Integrated Rehab and Performance Center

Sports Medicine Chiropractic Care
Brentwood’s Best in Rehab Chiropractic
Can we help you?
We help active individuals overcome pain and recover from injury with specific goals of returning better than before…
Even when you’ve been told you must rest or need surgery!
Rehab and Performance Care.
A sneak peak of what treatment looks like at IRPC, tailored to your specific goals.
-Improve vital fitness markers
- Address movement restrictions
-Improve your strength and be more useful!
-Address the root cause of your pain
-Improve vital fitness markers - Address movement restrictions -Improve your strength and be more useful! -Address the root cause of your pain
Pain limiting your game or workouts?
-We offer rehab based chiropractic care. Schedule a free discovery visit!
Elevate your health and fitness
-Focused programming based of functional testing and fitness goals!.
The value of Integrated Rehab and Performance Center…
When dealing with pain of any sort, our sports medicine rehab care is a unique style of chiropractic you’ve never seen before. We use sophisticated and relevant movement screens to supplement our musculoskeletal and neurological assessments. A specific treatment plan incorporating chiropractic adjustments and targeted physical training is then implemented until you are ready to perform without limitations.
We use reliable movement and fitness capacity screening to direct our programming with the benefit of precise re-testing and progress checks. Our treatment plans include programming or supplemental programming that we update weekly to address our clinical findings and YOUR goals. We also offer continued care after getting you back to activity with programming or supplemental programming! That being said, pain and injury is not required to be a perfect fit at here. Golfers looking to improve performance, active adults looking to stay active, and exercisers wanting to take improve at the their full potential have much to gain from care at Integrated Rehab and Performance Center.
This is where we specialize. Appointments at Integrated Rehab and Performance Center are designed to be able to address every component of your pain or injury. Our tailored treatment plans based off thorough examinations afford us the opportunity to do this while other clinics cannot. If your pain has failed common care AND you have not given up on your fitness goals, IRPC is the perfect place for you.
At IRPC, we treat all fitness and sport related conditions. A few examples include rotator cuff tendinopathy, shoulder and hip impingement, low back pain, lumbar and cervical disc protrusions, sciatica, neck pain, knee pain, IT band syndrome, meniscus tears, ankle and foot pain, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, and more! Further, if you have had sport related surgery (like ACL or UCL reconstruction) and feel like you have been given incomplete rehab, IRPC specializes in late stage rehab to truly rehab the injury while addressing the compensations that have ben created. We structure our appointment times to be able to deliver exceptionally comprehensive care for these patients, even if it’s been years since the injury and surgery. See more on the Services page.
Call now to learn more or schedule a discovery visit!
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Feel free to reach out to us and let us know how we can assist you in improving your sport performance, strength and conditioning, or get you back to activity pain free. We are here to help you recover from any injuries or limitations that may be holding you back. Don't hesitate to contact us for any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you!